University of Hawaii Cancer Center Seed Grants – Fall 2023

The UH Cancer Center is seeking to fund highly innovative discovery and translational research that supports the mission of the Cancer Center. These grants are funded by the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30). Up to two one-year seed grants will be awarded in this cycle, with budgets of up to $50,000 each. The criteria that will be evaluated for funding are the following:

  1. Quality of the science in the proposal
  2. Innovation and significance of the question being studied
  3. Potential that the project will lead to success in future applications for extramural funding and peer-
    reviewed publications with scientific impact
  4. Applications are particularly encouraged from early-stage investigators.

• PI must be a Cancer Center Full or Associate Member (restriction because funding is from CCSG and
outcomes must be reported for cancer center members in the CCSG renewal).
• Multiple PIs are allowed with justification.
• Must be a new project not supported by existing extramural funding.
• Cannot have had Cancer Center seed funding in the past two years.
• If previously funded, must have provided a one-page progress report. Failure to provide a progress
report will result in each PI being ineligible for future seed grant support.
• A one-page progress report is required at the end of the project period.

Applications are due: July 5, 2023 at 5 pm.

Funding will start: August 1, 2023. All funds must be utilized by June 30, 2024.

For more details please see attached.


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