02 February 2018
The Mary Kay Foundation
Applications are accepted from
November 2, 2017 through February 2, 2018
DEADLINE is Friday, February 2, 2018. Applications must be submitted no
later than 5:00 p.m. CST.
Innovative/Translation Cancer Research
The Mary Kay Foundation, a funding source for cancer research, is currently
accepting applications for innovative grants for translational research in
ovarian, uterine, breast, or cervical cancer.
The program will offer between ten to fifteen grants. The awards will be up to
$100,000 each (combined direct and indirect). That may be used in a one
year period or up to two years. Applications must be submitted by one
Principal Investigator, selected by the Institution. Only one grant
application will be accepted from each invited medical school. Grants
are limited to the United States.