See relevant FASEB webinars in the Ola HAWAII Event Calendar.
Session 1 September 10, 2018
- Participate via Zoom (web link)
Careers: academia, industry, local and federal govt
Overview of bootcamp, NIH requirements for training in RCR,
- NIH RCR Requirements (Jun Panee, PowerPoint Presentation)
Session 2 September 11, 2018
Mentor/mentee relationships; collaborations & team science
- Why You Need An Agenda (Marla Berry, PDF)
Environmental safety: chemicals, biological agents
Session 3 September 12, 2018
Survey design, admin., dissemination and implementation.
Data mgmt and analysis, reproducibility
- Data Reproducibility (Jun Panee, PowerPoint Presentation)
Session 4 September 13, 2018
Human subjects or tissues;
regulatory and compliance issues
Promotion and Tenure
Session 5 September 14, 2018
Community-engaged and community based participatory research. Building trust-based relationships with communities
- Community 101 for Researchers (web link)
Session 6 September 17, 2018
Budgeting, personnel management
Session 7 September 18, 2018
Vertebrate animals; regulatory and compliance issues
- Welcome to Animal and Veterinary Services (Silvia Kondo, PowerPoint Presentation)
- The Interplay of Ethics, Animal Welfare, and IACUC Oversight on the Reproducibility of Animal Studies (PDF)
- Roots of Concern with Nonhuman Animals in Biomedical Ethics (PDF)
Variables in animal experimentation
Session 8 September 19, 2018
Funding opportunities
- Funding Opportunities (Richard Yanagihara, PowerPoint Presentation)
- CSR Peer Review Videos
Authorship, collab manuscripts; MS prep, submission, revision
Session 9 September 20, 2018
Research integrity, professional ethics
Intelectual property, copyrights, patents, etc
Session 10 September 21, 2018
Open topics
Public-speaking, presentation and communication skills