2020 Ola HAWAII
Virtual Mentoring Bootcamp
May 26 – June 19, 2020; Tues, Wed, Fri, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Twelve Zoom sessions over 4 weeks
Open to all UH Health Sciences Junior Faculty and Postdocs
Many topics of potential interest and relevance – see list below. Last year’s presentation material will be provided each week via email for review prior to class. Classes will be Zoom discussions with experts on a wide range of research and career development subjects.
Relevant to basic biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and community-engaged researchers. Each 1½-hour session will typically include 2 discussion leaders addressing 1 or 2 topics.
- Mentor-mentee responsibilities and relationships
- Collaborations & team science – navigating expectations and authorship
- Publishing – finding the right journal, writing, submission, revision
- Grant applications – understanding announcements, identifying contacts
- When to apply, to which, and where you should be in your career for each
- Writing the various sections, getting assistance, understanding peer review
- Applying for promotion and tenure – guidance in dossier preparation
- Contemporary ethical issues in biomedical research
- Conflicts of interest – personal, professional, and financial
- Research misconduct and policies for handling misconduct
- Human subjects in research
- Data Acquisition, Management, Analysis and Reproducibility
Please use this link to register for 2020 Ola HAWAII Mentoring Bootcamp. Attendance via ZOOM only. Direct any inquiries to pbullard@hawaii.edu