Integrative Center for Environmental Microbiomes and Human Health (ICEMHH)
2019 Call for Pilot Project Pre-proposal
The overall focus of ICEMHH is to study the interface between the microbial environment and human health of the Hawaiian Islands using state-of-the-art ‘-omics’ methods, ecological analyses, and predictive models. As the most diverse biome on Earth, Hawaiʻi offers the opportunity to study the effects of ecological gradients on human health, from mountain to sea, and in both urban and rural settings. ICEMHH aims to address two critical and intertwined health problems: the deteriorating environment, and the current spread of insect-vector borne diseases. In this context, proposed research efforts will (i) explore how human health is impacted by exposure to pathogenic microbes in the environment; (ii) examine how the microbiomes of insect vectors affect their transmission of disease within the microcosm of the island of Oʻahu; and, (iii) exploit vertebrate and
invertebrate models to provide insight into the underlying cellular, genetic and molecular mechanisms by which microbiomes confer health. In this way, the Center will provide lasting contributions to the State of Hawaiʻi, and beyond.
The purpose of this pilot funding opportunity is to provide research support to promising early-career faculty members to obtain preliminary data that will enable them to submit competitive “R-level” grant applications to NIH or applications to equivalent federal extramural funding sources (e.g., NSF). The successful Pilot Principal Investigators (PI) will also be considered for membership in the second cohort of Junior Investigators (JI) supported by ICEMHH. The first cohort is anticipated to begin obtaining their first federal funding and rotate off ICEMHH by mid-Year 3 (2020-2021), and the second group of JIs may start being recruited as early as January 2021.
$50,000 is budgeted to fund 2 pilot projects in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020. Selected pilot projects will be awarded $25,000 each. Expected start date of this pilot funding is Jan 1, 2020 with an end date of July 31, 2020.
To be eligible, the applicant must hold a Ph.D., or M.D., and be a faculty member of the University of Hawaii at Manoa at the academic rank of Assistant Professor or be a faculty of any rank who will significantly change their field of study to environmental microbiome research with a dimension of human health The applicants are expected to possess the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to be able to conduct th proposed research. Microbiome-focused proposals aligned with the ICEMHH goals will be given a high priority. Individuals who have served as the PI on any current or prior NIH, NSF or other federal agency grant (except NIH R21) are not eligible to apply, unless they are changing fields.
Applicants are required to identify a mentor (mid- or senior-level faculty member) in their pilot pre-proposal (and full proposal, if selected). The reason behind this requirement is that future JIs are expected to have both
internal (UH faculty members) and external (national or international) mentors while funded by ICEMHH. Establishing a successful and positive relationship early on with an internal mentor will be to the advantage of
the pilot project applicant, should they apply for JI status.
ICEMHH has 3 state-of-the-art research infrastructure Cores: the Microscopy Imaging Center for Research through Observation (MICRO), the Microbial Genomics and Analytical Laboratory (MGAL), and the
Center for Invertebrate Science, Training and Research (C-InSTaR). Although not required, applicants are encouraged to use one of these core facilities in their research project.
- MICRO Provides an array of services using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, fluorescence and confocal microscopy, laser-capture microdissection.
- MGAL Provides services and/or hands-on training for: (i) the preparation of genomic libraries and quantification of gene expression (ii) the analysis of lipids and metabolites using HPLC and MS, and (iii) the cultivation, isolation, and long-term storage of microbial strains.
- C-InSTaR Provides a high containment, BSL-2 certified space that enables the use of invertebrate models to investigate biomedical questions that affect human health. Note: this Core is undergoing alteration and renovation and is not available at this time.
Pre-Proposal Application Instruction
A pilot application must include the following components:
- Cover Page (1 page): Download and complete PHS 398 Fillable Form Page
- Project Synopsis (1 page): Containing a brief explanation of seven aspects of the proposal (see below), plus a short budget plan identifying the use of the pilot funds. [Downloadable Template]
- CVs of the Principal Investigator and mentor(s)
Applications will be reviewed internally. Applicants whose applications are deemed most meritorious and thematically aligned to the ICEMHH research focus will be invited to submit a full proposal.
Full Proposal Application
A complete application must have the following:
- Cover Page (PHS 398 Fillable Form Page 1)
- Specific Aims (1 Page)
- Research Strategy (6 pages). Use the Continuation Format Page for the Research Strategy component. Discuss the significance, innovation, and approach of the proposed work. Also include a timeline and a brief plan for developing a future NIH grant application. If a mentor is proposed, discuss a brief mentoring plan. Consult this reference (pages 81-85 of for a detailed instruction on writing this section.
- Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period Form (PHS 398 Fillable Page 4). Facilities and Administration Costs are not allowed.
- NIH Biosketches of the PI and the mentor(s)
- A copy of IRB/IBC/IACUC approval letter. Please indicate if pending.
- A formal report of the outcome of the research must be submitted, and will be forwarded to NIH.
Forms can be downloaded from the NIH website: A proposal application that is missing any documents will be considered incomplete and may disqualify the application from further consideration.
Submit the completed pre-proposal (or full proposal, if invited) packet to Dr. McFall-Ngai (Email:
- Pre-proposal submission deadline October 11, 2019
- Review of Pre-proposal application October 18, 2019
- Invitation to submit a full proposal will be issued October 21, 2019
- Full proposal deadline November 22, 2019
- Notification of Intent to Fund to selected applicants November 27, 2019
- Project Period (This is dependent upon obtaining approval from NIH/NIGMS) January 01, 2020
Dr. Margaret McFall-Ngai ( or Dr. Ned Ruby (
ICEMHH (NIH/NIGMS P20GM125508) Principal Investigators
Pacific Biosciences Research Center
University of Hawaii